Get Started
User Types & Basic principal
There are two types of users that comprise Platform administrators (Super admins, County admins, sub county PHOs/Approvers), data collectors (Data Entry Supervisor)
A user can only be added by authorised users with admin or super admin roles
A county admin can only add users for their county
A user can only be deleted if there are no approvals or batching operations pending on them
Only super admins can add users with an admin role
A county admin can only assign questionnaires from the list of questionnaires that they have been assigned
Data entered by super admins is automatically approved
Data can be updated for an existing data point. Update is only be possible if that data point is not pending approval
Approved data can only be deleted by county admin or super admin
Data entered by county admin is automatically approved if the questionnaire has final approval in the county level
Once a data set is rejected, the pending approval lock is removed so that it can be edited.
User Roles and Permissions
User Roles |
Privileges |
Definitions |
Data Submitter
Data upload, View
A Data Entry Supervisor can only edit
data if the approver has rejected the data
Edit, View, Data
Approvals restricted by region
County Administrator
Edit, View, Approve,
Manage Users
County level administrators will manage
users In addition to everything that an
approver can do
Super Administrator
Edit, View, Approve,
Manage Users, Manage
survey configurations
National level administrators with country
wide scope . Will all privileges along with
managing key system level configurations
Setting up Account for the First Time
Users who have been registered in the RUSH platform will receive an invitation email to complete the account setup process. Click the Set Password button to activate your account. Make sure you are on the testing url Set a strong password and click Set New Password to login to your account.